Sunday, December 3, 2006

"What does that stand for?"

World AIDS day was Friday, and I was a little disappointed that it was such a NON-ISSUE to most of the world. If I'm totally honest with myself, I have to admit that I haven't been as "up" on the issue as I was when it was my job... But I feel good about my efforts to share with my own circle that it is an important day.

In addition to my posting and emails I sent to everyone in my contact lists, I wore the red ribbon I got for my donation at "The Color Purple" all weekend-- to a surprising response. None, actually. I wanted peopel to comment on it-- to acknowledge it's meaning. Not only did that not happen, I actually had 3 people --THREE!!!-- ask me what it meant!


1 comment:

adrienne said...

OMG, there are folks who don't remember what it means. Wow. Well, keep wearing it!!!