Thursday, December 21, 2006

Marfan Syndrome Public Service Announcement -- 2 OF 2

If you're wondering what I do in my work, here's an example of a project I'm pretty proud of. I produced this PSA last year (I think my formal title would have probably been "Executive Producer" since there was a professional video producer that handled most of the technical logistics). Working with Anthony Rapp was a thrill-- he was so great to do it for us.

Here's the link to the PSA on YouTube, in case the above embedded version disappears again.

There were three versions of the PSA: The 45 second version also included footage and information about the Jonathan Larson Performing Arts Foundation and was played ON THE BIG SCREEN before the feature during the first 3 weeks "RENT" was in theatres in Lowes Cinemas. The 30 second version has been airing regularly on NBC affiliates around the country for the past 14 months. The 60 second version was included on the "RENT" DVD when it was released last winter, and was played at a special benefit performance that Aretha Franklin did for the NMF.

1 comment:

adrienne said...

I'm so glad you posted this! What a great PSA!! I have been thinking about it since you told me you'd made it, and it's great to see it. Thanks!