from the new hit Broadway Musical "Spring Awakening"
All that's known,
In History, in Science,
At school,
at home, by blind men.
You doubt them,
And soon they bark and hound you-
Til everything you say is just another
bad about you.
All they say
Is "Trust in what is written."
Wars are made,
And somehow that
is wisdom.
Thought is suspect
And money is their idol,
And nothing
is okay unless it's scripted
in their Bible.
But I know
There's so much more to find-
Just looking through myself, and not at them.
Still, I know
To trust my own true mind,
And to say: there's a
way through this...
On I go,
To wonder and to learning-
Name the stars
And know their dark returning.
I'm calling,
To know the
world's true yearning-
The hunger that a child feels for
they're shown.
You watch me-
Just watch me-
I'm calling,
And one day all will know.
I saw this show last fall and loved it. I posted about it then. You can read those posts here and here.
I've been playing this song on the soundtrack a lot lately. I have been so utterly disgusted by all the Anna Nicole Smith coverage (Larry King needs to just STOP!!!) and, once and for all, ENOUGH ABOUT BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!
People, WAKE UP! We are occupying an unstable country that is at civil war! Our president is insisting on sending another 20,000+ troops over (a "surge"), he SAYS "to stabilize Iraq." Does anyone really believe that he is not doing this to set up an invasion of Iran next??? Is he going to further reduce our standing in the international community by arrogantly and unilaterally furthering his unjustified and unpopular agenda?! We can't go this alone, and if we continue to pooh-pooh the UN, we are going to find ourselves isolated and unable to regain our position of respect in the international community. People are actually buying into his fabricated illusion that Al-Qaeda = Iran/Iraq. Singling out one or two countries is not goign to make Al-Qaeda go away.
I do not profess to be as knowledgable about all this as I probably should be. But I DO know wthat I am disgusted that Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears are leading news broadcasts, and Iran/Iraq are somewhere near segment 2-3.
The media is feeding us all this CRAP! But what's worse, is that we are taking it! Like the lyrics to the song say, it's as if we are being tought not to have our own thoughts! If it's written, we must accept it and never--ever-- question it. If we do, we are branded unpatriotic, or as not supporting the troops.
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