Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Random Post-it Found...

Posted via cellphone.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Ellen with Clint Eastwood at the 79th Annual Oscars 2007

My favorite "Ellen" Moment at the Oscars. The show wouldn't have been so friggen boring if there had been more Ellen being Ellen, and less clip montages like the one featuring Foreign Languiage film winners through the ages.... ZZzzzzzzzzz.....

(Again, the embedded video disappeared... Here it is on YouTube.)

And The Oscar goes to...Melissa Etheridge

My favorite Oscar Moment last night. "I have to thank my incredible wife Tammy!" Her whole speech was wonderful -- I LOVE this woman!!!

(For some reason, the embeded video disappeared-- here'e the link to it on YouTube)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A Night out with Friends

Me with Stephanie, Danielle, and Victoria at Edison's Ale House in Manhasset. I discovered that they have my favorite beer, Hoegaarden, which is a crisp and refreshing Belgian White beer, best served ice cold with a slice of lemon on a hot summer day. It wasn't hot and summery here this weekend, but it still tasted great. Incidentally, Edison's is the pub that is featured in the memoir The Tender Bar which was so popular last year.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Britney WHO?!

Rachel lookin' hot.

Wonderful News!

Grandma was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, but, after a successful lumpectomy last friday and following up after pathology results, it looks like she's doing great. They are satisfied that they got it early, and minimal radiation will eliminate the need for more radical surgical intervention.

Her positive attitude, and the fact that there isn't a living person on the planet with more people who love them, I'm sure helped.

To quote the the man behind the curtain in Wizard of Oz: "The heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others."

Grandma truly has the biggest heart of anyone I know, and it shows the minute you meet her.

McCain Flip-Flops, Supports Immediate Reversal of Roe v. Wade (VIDEO)

In 1999, the “moderate” version of John McCain said that overturning Roe v. Wade would be dangerous for women and he would not support it, even in “the long term.” This morning on ABC, McCain — now aggressively courting the likes of Jerry Falwell — expressed his unequivocal support for overturning Roe v. Wade.

read more | digg story

Wake up!

'All That's Known'
from the new hit Broadway Musical "Spring Awakening"

All that's known,
In History, in Science,
At school,
at home, by blind men.
You doubt them,
And soon they bark and hound you-
Til everything you say is just another
bad about you.

All they say
Is "Trust in what is written."
Wars are made,
And somehow that
is wisdom.
Thought is suspect
And money is their idol,
And nothing
is okay unless it's scripted
in their Bible.

But I know
There's so much more to find-
Just looking through myself, and not at them.

Still, I know
To trust my own true mind,
And to say: there's a
way through this...

On I go,
To wonder and to learning-
Name the stars
And know their dark returning.

I'm calling,
To know the
world's true yearning-
The hunger that a child feels for
they're shown.

You watch me-
Just watch me-
I'm calling,
And one day all will know.

I saw this show last fall and loved it. I posted about it then. You can read those posts here and here.

I've been playing this song on the soundtrack a lot lately. I have been so utterly disgusted by all the Anna Nicole Smith coverage (Larry King needs to just STOP!!!) and, once and for all, ENOUGH ABOUT BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!

People, WAKE UP! We are occupying an unstable country that is at civil war! Our president is insisting on sending another 20,000+ troops over (a "surge"), he SAYS "to stabilize Iraq." Does anyone really believe that he is not doing this to set up an invasion of Iran next??? Is he going to further reduce our standing in the international community by arrogantly and unilaterally furthering his unjustified and unpopular agenda?! We can't go this alone, and if we continue to pooh-pooh the UN, we are going to find ourselves isolated and unable to regain our position of respect in the international community. People are actually buying into his fabricated illusion that Al-Qaeda = Iran/Iraq. Singling out one or two countries is not goign to make Al-Qaeda go away.

I do not profess to be as knowledgable about all this as I probably should be. But I DO know wthat I am disgusted that Anna Nicole Smith and Britney Spears are leading news broadcasts, and Iran/Iraq are somewhere near segment 2-3.

The media is feeding us all this CRAP! But what's worse, is that we are taking it! Like the lyrics to the song say, it's as if we are being tought not to have our own thoughts! If it's written, we must accept it and never--ever-- question it. If we do, we are branded unpatriotic, or as not supporting the troops.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And still another...

Posted via cellphone to Moblog.
Haven't heard the story of the significance of all the hearts yet? Read my original posting here.

Monday, February 12, 2007

And another...

Posted to Moblog via my cell phone camera: This was a small cardstock heart that was on a shelf I was straightening at BN. Again, and as always, oddly out of place, as if put there for me.

Haven't heard the story of the significance of all the hearts yet? Read my original posting here.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

More Hearts

Posted from cell phone via Moblog:

I work a 2nd job part time at Barnes and Noble, and I was straightening up my register area at the start of my shift and came across this random piece of heart stationary under a pile of paperwork. It made me smile.

Haven't heard the story of the significance of all the hearts yet? Read my original posting here.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A Heart that Heals

This one was stuck to the sidewalk, so I couldn't take it with me... Probably wouldn't have wanted to anyway.

Posted via cellphone to Moblog.
Haven't heard the story of the significance of all the hearts yet? Read my original posting here.

Good Thing

Moblog post- Seein' Martha today. Nobody terribly exciting on (biker guys from some TLC show and a lingerie fashion show-- ah-hem), but it's always fascinating to watch the show come together live. I used to go see the Rosie O'Donnell Show whenever I got the chance, and I've been to Letterman a few times.

Monday, February 5, 2007

For Mom...

Here's an email Dad sent this morning. The email (see below) had a bunch of other photos that I didn't copy, but there was one of a Mountain Pass that looked like Trail Ridge Road in Colorado. Dad said it was Mom's favorite place on earth. I had the photo posted for a while, but for some reason it stopped downloading with the page... Oh well. In your mind, imaging all those gorgeous mountains for the "Lord of the Rings" movies -- that's what it looked like.

Here are a few more images of Trail Ridge I got online...


The young mother set her foot on the
path of life. "Is this the long way?" she asked. And the guide said: "Yes, and the way is hard. And you will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better than the beginning."

But the young mother was happy, and she would not believe that anything could be better than these years. So she playedwith her children, and gathered flowers for them along the way, and bathed them in the clear streams; and the sun shone on them, and the young Mother cried,"Nothing will ever be lovelier than this."

Then the night came, and the storm, and the path wasdark, and the children shook with fear and cold, and the mother drew them close and covered them with her mantle, and the children said, "Mother, we are not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come."

And the morning came, and there was a hill ahead, andthe children climbed and grew weary, and the mother was weary.But at all times she said to the children, "A little patience and we are there."

So the children climbed, and when they
reached the top they said, "Mother, we would not have done it without you."

And the mother, when she lay down at night, looked upat the stars and said, "This is a better day than the last, for mychildren have learned fortitude in the face of hardness. Yesterday I gave them courage. Today, I've given them strength."

And with the next day came strange clouds which darkened the earth, clouds of war, and hate, and evil. And the children groped and stumbled, and the mother said: "Look up. Lift your eyes to the light.”

And the children looked and saw above the clouds an everlasting glory, and it guided them beyond the darkness. And that night the Mother said, "This is the best day of all, for I have shown my children God."

And the days went on, and the weeks, and the months, and the years. And the mother grew old and she was little and bent.But her children were tall and strong, and walked with courage. And when the way was rough, they lifted her, for she was as light as a feather. And at last they came to a hill, and beyond they could see a shining road and golden gates flung wide. And mother said, "I have reached the end of my journey. And now I know the end is better than the beginning, for my children can walk alone, and their children after them."

And the children said, "You will always walk with
us,Mother, even when you have gone through the gates."And they stood and watched her as she went on alone, and the gatesclosed after her. And they said: "We
cannot see her but she is with us still. A Mother like ours is more than a memory. She is a living presence......."

Your Mother is always with you....
She's the whisperof the leaves as you walk down the street;
She's the smell of bleach in your freshly laundered socks;
She's the cool hand on your brow when you're not well.
Your Mother lives inside your laughter.
And she's crystallized in every tear drop.
She's the place you came from, your first home;
and she's the map you follow with every step you take.
She's your first love and your first heartbreak,
and nothing on earth can separate you.

Not time, not space...not even death!

Dad also suggested we listen to "I Know You're Out There Somewhere" by the Moody Blues. Here's the video. It's right on! I know Mom's out there somewhere.

Here's a link to the video on YouTube, in case the embedded video isn't working (I've been having trouble getting it to stay up consistently.)

Thinking About Jerry's Family

My dear friend Jerry died 16 years ago this week. I took this photo of him about 2/3 of the way up Longs Peak in Colorado, about 16 months before he died. A small group of us set off to climb the "fourteen-er." Jerry didn't make it to the summit, but two of us did. This has always been one of my favorite shots. I still think about him a lot-- I posted about him a few months ago-- you can read it here.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Recovery Mode

In recovery from last night-- lounging with my baby boy Scutter. If he had been able to use my cell phone camera in this moment, he would have gotten a shot of me lookin' pretty much the same way back at him.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Belated Birthday Celebration

Sent via Moblog Saturday night: Some friends took me out for a belated birthday celebration (the actual day of reckoning was last week in Florida with my family, and involved many frozen rum drinks at Rumrunners in Ft. Myers). Many tequila shots and lots of Amstel Light later, I was dropped at home to sleep it off. It was nice to cut loose a little...

Friday, February 2, 2007


Kids will never see this play anyway. It is one of my personal favorites, and I always had dreams of playing this part, but I wonder if he can handle it.... I wonder if they're exploiting the "Harry Potter Naked" thing to cover for his limited range?