Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Giving in...

I miss my washer and dryer!

I finally gave in and schlepped to the laundromat. I had to find one fo those gi-normous laundry emporiums that can accomodate some schmuck like me that hogs 8 triple-load machines at once... Most of the places near me onle have 10 machines to begin with...

I miss the days of being able to toss a load of undies in before I left for work and transfer to the drier when I get home. Taking an entire evening out of my life (and missing re-runs of "Law and Order: Special Vicitms Unit"-- sigh) really annoys me.

1 comment:

Lass said...

Aaaahhhhh, the 9th Circle of Hell. That is the laundromat. My sympathies.

*found through Blogger Profile Interest: quilting*