"Decision?!" Doesn't "decision" imply that there was choice involved? Sarah Palin is adamantly anti-abortion. Even more estreme in her stance that McCain. This poor girl never had a choice. I resent the fact that Sarah Palin is even suggesting that her 17 yo daughter had any options. You don't get to be an extreme opponent of abortion rights and then insist that you support your pregnant unwed 17yo daughter's "choice."
Addendum: 9/4/08-- last night Jon Stewart pretty much made the same case point by point on his show (almost as if he read my blog first--- lol, doubt it). He said it's unreasonable of her to state that her daughter's pregnancy is a private family matter and then go to work on policy that takes away that same right to privacy from the rest of Americans. BAM! That's it in a nutshell! Go Jon, GO! I posted the link to the video clip above.

And what about the boy? I saw this interesting tidbit about him on the NBC news last night, and found the quotes they used on the Huffington Post, among other places. "On his MySpace page, Levi Johnston boasts, 'I'm a f - - -in' redneck' who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in' chillin' I guess. Ya f - - - with me I'll kick [your] ass," he added. He also claims to be "in a relationship," but states, "I don't want kids." Interestingly, the MySpace page is no longer available.
He sounds like a typical teen, lookin to hang with his buds and get a little tail when he can. Now he finds himself being dragged off to Minneapolis to be trotted out in front of the RNC as the noble unexpected soon-to-be father who is doing the "right thing" and marrying his knocked-up girlfriend. Yeah, SURE they were already planning on getting married! The awkward images of them "posing" for the distant cameras holding hands and waiting to get on the plane to head to the convention say it all. This kid is STUCK!
But let's get back to the original issue. I am anti-abortion as well. I think it's fair to say that most "pro-choice" people are anti-abortion. But I am not arrogant and foolish enough to say that there aren't times when terminating an unplanned pregnancy is a better option. And the self-righteous, indignant SOBs who oppose abortion AND birth control AND comprehensive sexuality education have NO BUSINESS making this choice for others!
If we would spend a little more time addressing the issue of PREVENTING UNWANTED PREGNANCY IN THE FIRST PLACE, this would be a NON-issue! So for this reason, the story of this pregnancy (and believe me when I say that I think there is much more to the story than we will ever know, or even have a right to know...) is NOT off limits.
"Of-course, the cartoon isn't about the daughter, it is about the Palin's opposition to birth control and sex education in schools, and her "abstinence only" stance. Social conservatives like to make the point that 'abstinence' as birth control "always works," but realists can see that 'abstinence-only' sex education works only as well as it did with Palin's daughter."
I am hearing a lot of people criticize Palin as a mother for "missing the abstinance talk" that she promotes. I don't thin kthat's the case at all. I don't question that she is a good mother. I don't question her ability to juggle the career and the job. NOT AN ISSUE as far as I am concerned. However, the point to be made is that her "abstinance only" stance to birth control is misguided. Parents are in a total state of denial. Telling your child you don't want them to have sex does NOT MAKE IT SO!!!!!! Doe we need any more proof?!?!??
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