Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Chat Pack Question
Monday, April 28, 2008
Martin's Monday Morning Movie Musings

I found myself thinking that this movie must have been a stage play that was not translating so well on to the big screen, but it wasn't--I checked the credits. I was picturing how powerful the staging could be transitioning from one scene to the next, each of three involving a different look at the modern world, all occuring simultaneously over a 90 minute period on opposite ends of the world: 1) A college professor and his star student debate the role of higher education in shaping the minds of our future leaders, and how youngsters seem to be becoming more and more apathetic and unengaged; 2) A powerful GOP polititian meets with a journalist who is frustrated with the advent of entertainment schlock as news to provide an exclusive on a "new initiative" in Afghanistan. The scene explores the relationship between the media and politics/politicians, and how journalism has become more of a codependant relationship with its subjects thereby creating a self-sustaining circle of propaganda at the expense of 'truth'; and 3) the military's attempts to carry out their orders without the best intelligence or technology to support the mission.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
In the past 10 days, the trees around my apartment have gone from completely bare to in full bloom-- it's STUNNING! Here's a little video showing the transition.
Friday, April 25, 2008
I'm just sayin'...
--Jay Leno
" You know that since George Bush has become president, gas has basically tripled in price. Now Bush is an oil man. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm just saying that if we had elected Colonel Sanders president, and the price of chicken had tripled, I'd be a little suspicious."
--Bill Maher
Jennifer Holliday at Heartworks
Bebe was lovely. She asked a lot of great questions about Marfan syndrome, showing true concern and desire to understand the condition. And it helps that she was as excited as I was to hear that Jennifer Holliday was performing!
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Now I just need the curtains.
I blame Darla for the frustration because it was her suggustion that I try this approach. However, I also fully credit her because I think she has done wonders with her studio in the City, and hope that my place will look HALF as finished as hers when I am done.
I It sure felt good just to claim victory over this annoying aspect of the project. Now for the fun/creative part.... I plan to make the curtains.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
HeARTworks Gala Fundraiser
We held our Annual HeARTworks Gala on Thursday night, raising over $1,000,000 for the NMF. Here's a little video with a few highlights. Jennifer Holliday performed, but I will post a seperate video of that in a few days.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
The REAL Rosie O'Donnell
I took a personal day yesterday to camp out and wait for Rosie's book signing for her new family crafting book, Crafty U. Last October, I was #3 in line for the signing of Celebrity Detox . (Click here and here for related postings). This time I secured the #1 spot among loyal fans, and had a great time talking and taking video with my Flip of all the the other "Stranger Friends."
When Rosie called me over, I gave her a decoupaged box I had made (my FIRST decoupage) and she held it up for us to pose for a photo with her holding my gift. The paparazzi flashes went off like a night on the red carpet, and I had an out-of-body experience as I aimed my Flip at the flashing lights. I was standing there, with Rosie, and the flashes blinding me, and she was so wonderful, and giving of herself-- again. As I walked away, I realized I had FORGOTTEN TO PRESS RECORD ON THE FLIP!!!! UGH!! My paparazzi moment NOT captured for posterity.
But then this evening, as I was finishing up creating the video above, I checked her blog, and saw that she included a pic of us together, with her holding her decoupaged box in the video she made from last night! (The posting is the one titled 1 2 1 on if you want to go there and watch!)
What a GREAT night!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
WeAreCHANGE meets Rosie O'Donnell with Daniel Sunjata
I'm sitting here waiting for Rosie's book signing, surfing the web, and came across this video from her signing a few days ago in Manhattan. I hope I get a chance to get her with my Flip. :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Impromptu Starbucks Harmonica Concert
THIS is one of those times when a person is grateful that they have a video camera within reach!
I was sitting in Starbucks near my house doing some work for my FY09 Annual budget at work. NOT fun, but necessary. I've been working on and off since 8am this morning, and was starting to get a little grumpy about it.
Then this nice old guy asked for directions to the library, where I guess there's some sort of free concert today. Another customer and I were giving him directions, but he was having some trouble following what we were saying. The gal at the table next to me said she was heading over there and offered to let him follow her.
The guy was so happy for all the assistance, and I suspect just happy for the conversation, that he offered us a song. He pulled out his harmonica and played away!
Before it was over he treated us to 3-4 different songs, and was clearly happy to have an audience.
I was psyched that I had my Flip camcorder within reach and got the whole thing.
It was a very simple exhange all around, but one that really made me feel good. A rare moment when 4 strangers came together at a point in time and shared something completely simple yet powerful enough to chage the emotional direction of the day for all involved.
I took a break from working on the budget and made a little movie about it. while it's still fresh in my mind. Turn up the sound on your computer-- I'm not sure how clear it all comes through.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Like a wounded soldier...