Monday, December 17, 2007

A little Christmas Merriment

My apartment is pretty small, and Scutter is a little too spastic to put up a Christmas Tree, but I decided I wanted to at least bring in the mood. I strung lights all over the ceiling in the small entryway into my apartment. It's not the same, but it definitely casts that colored glow throughout the entire place.

It's the same magical glow that a 10 year old boy sees bleeding out of the family room that houses the Christmas tree at the far end of the house in the wee hours of Christmas morning. He's about to bust from the temptation to walk down to see if Santa has been there yet, but knows it's strictly against the rules to leave the bedroom before morning. Instead, he tosses and turns in anticipation, frequently sneaking a peak, wondering if there is any movement down there at all.

Mom LOVED Christmas... she obsessed over it. Christmas the past 6 years hasn't been joyous, but putting up the lights this year (the first year I've done any sort of decorating at all) brought a glimmer of that magical glow back to the season. That, and I know that I will have the whole family (Dad, Cousi-mom, Grandma, and Matthew, plus Lisa and Kenny, Shari and Naomi, Larry) together in Florida for my birthday at the end of January-- Dad's Christmas present to me this year!

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