I have a great friend with whom I share a great love for theatre. She refers to be as "Brother" in her blog, so I'll refer to her as "Sister" on mine. She posted something on her blog that really stirred a response in me! Click here to read her posting about how we all have to find different ways to satisfy our "bug for the boards." I SO GET what she is saying!
Wow! The grass is always greener.
I want what she has!
I want to be IN theater, not get to go see it!
I want to create it, not watch others create it.
I want to feel the audience’s energy, not BE the audience.
Getting to bankrupt myself to see all the great shows is a sorry substitute for the profound joy of an opening night call for “Places!” by the stage manager.
Getting to bankrupt myself to see all the great shows is a sorry substitute for the profound joy of an opening night call for “Places!” by the stage manager.
She is SO LUCKY! Her husband also shares with her the love of the stage, and they get to build a life together around this!
But then, I can't imagine not having the Great White Way at my disposal either. If I were wealthy, it would make it a little more practical, but I can accept spending an occasional week living on Top Ramen to feed my theatre habit. :)
holy shit! I had no idea you would even read my silly journal. The grass totally is greener, isn't it?
I want what HE has!
I want to WATCH others create!
I want to tell my idols 'thank you'.
You and I will have to live for each other, Brother.
I love you.
After reading this at Broadway & Me (via James Wolcott's Blog), I fear my 'dream' of ever seeing a Broadway $how is dimming.
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