Saturday, July 7, 2007

Mom's Birthday

Today is Mom's birthday. It was the first thought I had when I woke up, and the last thought as I fell asleep. People who say that it gets better with time don't know what they are talking about... you just learn to deal with it better.

I do dream about her more than I did, which I am grateful for, but the dreams never make sense, and I can never really put all the pieces together when I wake up. I usually have fleeting memories of the dreams sometime the next day, out of nowhere. Today I have vague recollections from a dream last night of us flying, as if on a kite or something-- not on a plane. But there was a sense of conflict, or something very wrong. Grandma B was there too. And Dad. They weren't flying with us, but we were trying to get back to them when we crashed on a beach. And we had to avoid someone, for some reason. Craziness in my dreams...

I was happy to find this heart on her birthday. I kept seeing it on the floor across the room, but never looked closely. I kept catching it out of the corner of my eye, and each time I felt like I needed to look more closely. When I finally did, I saw that the glasses are covered with hearts... :)

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