Matt and I had a major theatre fest this week. (I actually saw Xanadu last week as well, so it was twice in one week. Warren and I are thinking about trying to get ourselves dubbed the official Xanadu groupies-- if we can figure out a way to pay for it.)

This set my former record of 4 shows in 5 days set back in 1983 on a choir trip to NYC. It'll take a whiel to recover financially to be able to see any more, but it was WORTH IT!
It was fun to have Matt here this week. Last time he came out, it was a whirlwind trip to do hair and makeup for the NMF PSA-- in and out in under 3 days. This time he had almost a full week. Mostly we ate and saw shows. Not a bad vacation. :) One of these days I'll get back to visit him and Paul again, but I have been forbidden from ever visiting between May and September ever again. I guess I bitched about the heat in Phoenix too much. Ha! They're looking at maybe moving to So. California or back to Colorado, so it'll open up my options for visiting...
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