Starting to play around with this whole "blogging" thing. Choosing a name that is both expressive, self-identifying, and not TOO "out there" to the world is tough.
J-Ma plays on the whole Jennifer Lopez = J-Lo thing. The fully extended tongue-in-cheek name is "Master J-Ma," as I annoited myself when I completed my masters degree. We go by J-Ma for short. It's a much more tolerable nick-name than some that I have had in my life-- maybe I'll blog about them someday. I'll need to be in a good place and ready to publicly own more of the pains of junior and high school before we go there.
So here I am. I've been playing around on a few different sites (MySpace and LiveJournal) but I am hearing that, for varying reasons, they are not for me... Hopefully soon, I will settle in on one and really go for it. In the mean time, I'll maintain each one a little to make sure I'm content. Some might call it ADD. I call it playing the field.
Hey, this site is great. I have been very entertained. Remember our rating system? Well I clicked on some of the links you have posted (see my review on The Fountain--code name--B The Terrible)and the Tarot, I am The High Priestess, yes I am regal. I also want to thank you for your thoughts and compassion for others and the rememberance they deserve. I think people today are stangers in their own world and therefore do not recognize compassion, thoughfulness, kindness and humanity for others. But when I get up early in the morning to walk my dog Samantha(5:30 a.m.) and most people that are around are still asleep, and I see the moon or how the dusk is turning to dawn the stars and the colors of the clouds or the beautiful clear blue sky, I am breathless and so happy, because I see the beauty and the possibilities of this life, my life and I have to thank God every day in every way. I feel special because I feel I have been let on to a secret and I feel proud that I get. So I do not bother with the stupid things or people in this world because the world itself is a grander place and you should not let stupid things hold you back or you will miss it and I think missing it is the greatest loss and regret one can endure.
Thank you, B. You are one of a handful of truly enduring friendships I have known. High school seems like so long ago and like yesterday. I have always admired your strength and commitment to being true to yourself.
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