Sunday, May 24, 2009

Work Ethic

Matthew and I were standing just inside a movie theatre, waiting for my friend to join us. A theatre employee (supervisor of some sort, I assumed) opened the door and said to the young man standing outside (pictured above), "When do you want to take your break?"

Matthew and I both gave a double take and shook our heads in wry amusement....

(In case you can't really see in the photo, the kid was drinking an iced coffee, texting, AND smoking a self-rolled cigarette.)

I have to hope that the supervisor was kidding, perhaps in a passive-aggressive attempt at snark, but we really don't think so.

P.S. He was wearing a Webelos cap. (Webelos are those in-between kids transitioning from cub scouts to boy scouts.) Here's somethign I found describing the objective of the Webelo Scouts: "Our Webelos den has been very exciting to watch as the boys change from being squirrely 3rd graders mostly intent on running around and playing to being a patrol that can recognize a goal, the requirements to fulfill the goal, and the ambition to accomplish the goal."

Haircut Heart

Ok, so my brother is visiting from Phoenix, and I always take advantage of seeing him by having him cut my hair (he's really, REALLY good). When we were done, I was vacuuming up the hair from the floor and JUST as I saw this heart just as it was getting sucked into the hose. I opened up the vacuum and sifted through the dust and dirt and hair and it fell back out...

Here it is as it lay before I added it to my collection. Read about how the collection got started here.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hitler and the Tony Awards

Funny, funny, FUNNY!

Saturday, May 9, 2009