Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand my the president."
-- Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Rainbow

I saw this from the plane yesterday when I was waiting to fly back from a meeting at the NIH in D.C. I am bummed that I couldn't get the full shot. it was a COMPLETE double rainbow-- and SO VIVID!

I'm posting it as a shout out to my friend Kelly. Wouldn't it be great if we could send a real rainbow to a friend when they needed one. :)

Sadly, too true.

I saw this shirt at the airport. Ironically, it was Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington DC.

Friday, June 20, 2008



VRDC Il Adore

This is AMAZING! So Moving! Reminds me why I LOVE the performing arts!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kucinich Presents 35 Articles Of Impeachment Against Bush

Whether or not you agree or believe in this effort, it deserves to be heard by the people. The news is ignoring this. There is NO DEMOCRACY WITHOUT DECENT, AND THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION IS CONTROLLING THE MEDIA.

Xanadu too Gay?

Great YouTube video spoofing Tony Campaigning. Hysterical.
Cubby Bernstein - Xanadu - Episode Six

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Rosie "Keepsake"

So I joined a group on for people who share my (bordering on obsession) love of all things Rosie O'Donnell. We all check her blog daily (often several times) for her latest updates, and hope for the excitement of having one of our postings in one of many interactive sections selected for inclusion by Ro herself.

Well, Friday I hit the elusive DOUBLE WHAMMY! The photo I submitted of me wearing my Rosie "Peace" t-shirt was on the home page, AND I had a comment/question featured in the "Ask Ro" section-- on the same day. :)

One of the guys in the Flickr group always makes 'keepsakes' for the members in the group who get answered to commemorate the excitement. Mine's posted below.

In the past, Ro has included a photo of her and me in a video that she made after a booksigning and then mentioned the gift I gave her that day in a "talkie blog" that she posted. I was pretty giddy then too.

Dad said, "I hope this isn't your 15 minutes of fame."
LOL-- Good point.

But in a world of crazy uncertainty, war, endless political coverage that just MAKES ME WANT TO YELL, it's fun to tune it all out and revel in a little silliness.
Thanks for the keepsake, Joey!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Passing Strange Part II

Here's my video from last night's theater outing. I LOVE doing the stage door. Part of me feels like a total geek, but I love to connect with the actors after the show to bring the fantasy that was on-stage and my fantasy of being in the theater into the same place at the same time. It's hard to describe, but it feels necessary to me.

Passing Strange

I saw "Passing Strange" on Broadway last night. Amazing!

Stew could be a prophet for the "Find Your Authentic Self" movement! So poetic, so insightful!

I'll have a video of peripheral highlights from the night in the next day or so. In the mean time...